Sunday, November 23, 2014

C4K Summery

My first kid I commented on was Wonga  who posted a photo and discussed the life cycle of the frog. I talked about how interesting it is that a frog starts off as a little tadpole and then becomes this big frog. It truly is amazing.

Next, I commented on Carter s blog.where he discussed that he was having trouble with a certain project and needed help, so he asked a friend who was able to help him figure it out. I told him that was great problem solving skills. He tried to figure out the problem on his own, but then asked a peer for some guidance.

Lastly, I commented on Maggie  blog.   She was talking about how she is excited to be the leader in her school next year. She said she has waited for this and can’t believe she is only one year away from being the oldest in her school. I told I could remember when I was in elementary school and couldn’t wait for the year to be the leader and oldest ones that everyone else looked up too. 

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